Well, it's been a while since I've posted, but a lot of things have happened recently. Namely, we decided on a lovely "save the date" card, which will likely be similar to the actual invitations. The cards were printed a little weird, so I had to send them back and have them re-printed, but I think they've come out nice now. Good thing I ordered them early!
Not too long ago, I actually found my wedding dress! I was so lucky to have my friend Lisa with me, who is also one of my bridesmaids. We went to this store called The Sample Rack on 9th and Pine in Philly. It's one of those places that only carries gowns that are "samples" from other boutiques, so their inventory is pretty limited, but it changes all the time. We were the only people in there, and I found a dress that I love. It was exactly what I wanted (even though I didn't know it) and I was able to walk out with the dress that day! I was so concerned about having to order the dress, and how long that would take and if there would be time to have alterations, etc. And here I was, walking out into the afternoon sunshine with a (pretty heavy) dress in a bag in my hands! Couldn't have been easier. And now, I just need to get the dress altered and fitted a bit more, but those things happen a lot closer to the wedding. Check that off the list!
We're working on finalizing the guest list (which gets longer by the day!) and I think we've found our photographer. For both Alex and I , the photographer seems to be the most important part of the wedding. Most of the planning books I've read have said that we should choose the things that matter to us most, and focus on those. Some people want an elaborate cake, or an over the top dress, but we're not too concerned with those things. For us, it's a good photographer who will capture all the moments of the day and will give us some wonderful memories captured on film. For Alex and I, this will likely be the only time all of our family and friends are in the same place at the same time, so we are are really excited to be able to capture all those moments and all those people all in the same place and time. We're also pretty excited to be able to capture some portraits on the beach, since that's now become a novelty to me! Hard to believe I grew up mere miles from some of the most beautiful beaches in the world!
So, with a few of those things checked off the list, I am beginning to get really excited for this big celebration!
Up next: introduction to the wedding party, and our possible officiant!